Skip-A-Payment Program

Life is unpredictable. That’s why Webster First Federal Credit Union is pleased to offer our Skip-A-Payment Program, designed to help you manage your finances when you need it most.

For just a $25 fee, the Skip-A-Payment Program will allow you to skip a month’s payment on your personal, auto, recreational vehicle, or heavy equipment loan.

Download Application

How does the program work?

Upon approval of your Skip-A-Payment application, your loan payment due date will be advanced to the next month. Interest will continue to accrue on the loan. On your next payment due date, you will be responsible for your standard monthly payment.


How often and how many times can I Skip a Payment?

Under the Skip-A-Payment Program, you may make up to two payment skips36 per year, with no more than four skips during the lifetime of the loan. We do not allow back to back skips.


How do I qualify for the Skip-A-Payment Program?

Loans eligible for the Skip-A-Payment Program include personal loans, new and used auto loans, recreational vehicle loans, and heavy equipment loans. Mass Save HEAT Loans are not eligible for this program.

In order to be eligible to participate in our Skip-A-Payment Program, your loan must be up-to-date, you must have made at least six payments on your loan, and your loan must not be more than thirty days late in the last six months. You must submit a Skip-A-Payment application at least ten days prior to the due date you wish to skip. You can submit your application at any one of our local branches or by mail. Your application is subject to approval by our Lending Department. Click here to download a copy of the application.


I’d like to submit my Skip-A-Payment application by mail. Where do I send it?

Skip-A-Payment applications can be mailed to:

Skip-A-Payment Program
ATTN: Lending Department
Webster First Federal Credit Union
271 Greenwood Street
Worcester, MA 01607


How can I pay the $25 Skip-A-Payment Program fee?

You can pay the Skip-A-Payment Program fee either by check or as a withdrawal from your Webster First checking or savings account. Please indicate which method you choose on your Skip-A-Payment application.