Invest your money the secure way with a high yield share certificate

Limited Time Offer!

7-Month Special at 4.25% APY2,8

4-Month Special at 4.08% APY2,8

You’ve worked hard for your money. Your money should work just as hard for you. Our high yield share certificates offer competitive rates which help you earn the safe way.

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Why choose a share certificate

icon depicting a dollar bill
Earn more for your money

Earn higher rates than traditional savings accounts and even some money markets

icon depicting a shield with a money symbol
Security you can trust

Share certificates are insured by NCUA up to $250,000, additional amounts insured by MSIC

icon depicting a lock in a circle
Lock in your earnings

Rates are locked in at opening for the term of the certificate

Current share certificate rates

Type Dividend Rate APY2,8 Min Balance7
3 Month .75% .76% $1,000
4 Month Special 4.00% 4.08% $1,000
6 Month .85% .85% $1,000
7 Month Special 4.16% 4.25% $1,000
12 Month 3.00% 3.05% $500
24 Month 1.50% 1.51% $500
36 Month 1.50% 1.51% $500
48 Month 1.50% 1.51% $500
60 Month 1.50% 1.51% $500
2:APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Compounds daily.
8:Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
All rates subject to change without prior notice. Fees may reduce earnings.

Certificate Calculator


How does a share certificate work?

When you open a share certificate, your money is held securely for the duration of the term. You’ll earn dividends, which are compounded daily and posted monthly. Dividends can be transferred to another share account or mailed to you without penalty. Certificates are like savings accounts that earn higher rates because you agree to keep your money in the account for the selected term.

What is the difference between a share certificate and a certificate of deposit (CD)?

A share certificate is a similar product to a CD. The major difference is that they pay out dividends whereas CDs pay out interest. See our article Share Certificate vs. Certificate of Deposit (CD): What’s the difference? to learn more.

Can I withdraw before my term is up?

Share certificates help you earn such a high rate since the funds are “locked in” for the term. Early withdrawals may be made if needed, but a penalty will apply. Penalties are as follows:

  • Certificates with terms of 1 year or less: 1 month’s dividends
  • Certificates with terms of more than 1 year: 3 months’ dividends
What are the requirements to open?
  • Must live, work, worship, or attend school in Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, or Worcester County or be a current Webster First member
  • Enrollment in Webster First Federal Credit Union membership required to complete certificate ownership