Security you can trust

At Webster First, we believe each relationship starts with trust. Keeping you and your money safe is a top priority, and we’re pleased to offer a variety of security tools and protocols to protect you and your accounts.

How Webster First protects you

Identity Confirmation

When you visit or call us, we will always confirm your identity before sharing private information or making transactions.

Insured by NCUA and MSIC

Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government via the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency. Additional amounts are insured by MSIC, the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation, for total peace of mind.

Online and Mobile Verification

When you or someone else attempts to log in to your accounts on a new device (or if you’ve recently deleted your cookies) we’ll verify it’s really you by sending a one-time passcode to a phone number or authenticator you’ve previously verified. You’ll be asked to set up a verified device when you first create your online account, and you can switch your device on demand after a successful log in.

Learn More

Debit Card Security

Complimentary fraud monitoring through our Card Alert Notification Program is included with every debit card. All activated cards are automatically enrolled for maximum convenience. This program monitors your card transactions for suspicious activity. If potentially fraud transactions are detected, we’ll contact you immediately. If you plan to travel outside your normal area, give us a call so we can note the location on your account.

Total Card Control

Our Card Suite Lite app offers an added layer of security, by allowing you to switch your debit card on and off, set use limits, and get alerts when your card is used.

Zero Liability41 Protection

Get peace of mind knowing that we won’t hold you responsible for “unauthorized transactions.” As a Mastercard cardholder, Zero Liability41 applies to purchases made in store, over the phone, online, via a mobile device, and ATM transactions.

How to help protect yourself

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Go to the Source

Only call us at the phone numbers available on our website, Phone numbers listed on third-party sites may not be correct.

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Keep your Passwords Private

Don’t share your online login information or provide a one-time passcode to anyone who is not authorized to have access your account. Additionally, keep your debit card number and PIN private.

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Be on the Lookout for Phishing

Never click on links in unsolicited emails or texts. Additionally, if you receive a text, call, or email for a one-time passcode authorization that you did not request, don’t respond or validate the login.

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Be Wary of Spoofed Caller IDs

Never trust caller ID as caller ID may be modified to show any name, including businesses. If you are unsure, you can always hang up and call the business directly using their publicly listed phone number.

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Sign up for eStatements

Reduce the risk of mail fraud by using eStatements. You can enroll in, access, and download eStatements right from online banking.

Keep Your App up to Date

It’s always a good idea to keep your mobile app updated to latest version. Not only will you enjoy the latest features and bug fixes, but you’ll also ensure you have the most secure version available.

We’re here to help

Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have about security, the validity of a recent communication, or your accounts. Give us a call to get started.

(800) 962-4452

Monday – Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Lost or stolen debit card?

If your debit card has been lost or stolen during business hours, please call us at (800) 962-4452 for immediate assistance.

If your card has been lost or stolen after hours, please call (800) 528-2273 for assistance.